Embrace the Darkness!

By Dani-Kaye Golding
From Light into Darkness the Evolution of Religion in Ancient Egypt isn’t a misnomer. Instead, Stephen S. Mehler’s ingenious pun effectively captures the rhetoric that history has shed light into the very darkness of Egypt through its patriarchal, Judeo-Christian fables. This his second book about pre-dynastic Egypt, Mehler uses the teachings and oral traditions of his mentor, Abd’El Hakim Awyan, to explore Khemetian spirituality. From Light into Darkness the Evolution of Religion in Ancient Egypt is the product of Mehler’s stellar investigative skills coupled with years of experience and training. From Light into Darkness the Evolution of Religion in Ancient Egypt uses extant and historical artefacts to unearth the very cornerstone upon which religion was erected. Not a stranger to controversy, Mehler delivers even more in this masterful pager turner.
From Light into Darkness The Evolution of Religion in Ancient Egypt by Stephen. S. Mehler (2005). Published by Adventures Unlimited Press